Friday, 2 September 2011

Dragon Dictation - FREE Speech to text app for the iPad and iPhone

Really recommend this FREE easy to use, speech to text app for the iPad and iPhone.
You can find it at the AppStore or in iTunes.

Link to app-list for schools for iPad and Android-pads

If you opened the page below about appar and "surfplattor" you can download an Excel file
with a list of useful eduacational apps for the iPad, iPod, iPhone and Android. Many are free!!
Click on "Applista för skolan" to download the file.

Surfplattor and appar in eduation

Info about "Surfplattor" and educational apps for the iPad and Android-plattor

Here comes a link to Pedagog Stockholm with some interesting films and tips (in swedish)
on how the Ipad and similar Android-pads can stimulate and support learning in schools.