Monday, 25 November 2013

Best Maths Video Lessons in English for Rödaberg students from Kahn Academy

And here comes my favourite Maths Video site for students studying the subject in English.

Khan Academy:

(The below links do not, sadly, open at the correct pages. You will have to navigate from the Kahn Academy home page to Maths/Third Grade etc )

and many more ....!!!!!


Dalles matte sajt/Dalles Maths Site


The above link takes you to a site with Maths video lessons from a Swedish teacher (Daniel Nilsson).

Quite a good site if you would like to revise Maths concepts

- especially for our bilingual students at  Rödaberg who study Maths in Swedish and with a Swedish teacher.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Why singing is good for our bodies and minds.

Singing Changes Your Brain and Keeps Your Body in Shape.

Group singing has been scientifically proven to lower stress, relieve anxiety, and elevate endorphins
Read more: 

It's also very good to keep our hearts healthy!!
Read more:


If you find Keynote or Power Point a little bit too complicated
and you're working on a project with a classmate and need to
share your work in the "clouds" then Prezi may be a good app for
you to get.
Here comes a link to their homepage where you can download the free app:

OpenDyslexic Font

Good news for dyslectics!!

OpenDyslexic is a new open sourced font created to increase readability for readers with dyslexia. The typeface includes regular, bold, italic, and bold-italic styles. It is being updated continually and improved based on input from dyslexic users. There are no restrictions on using OpenDyslexic outside of attribution.
And it's free to download !!!

(Sadly not yet available as a font on!!)

Monday, 21 October 2013

Inläsningstjänst release their app for the iPhone and iPad


Inläsningstjänst har äntligen släppt iPad/iPhone appen.
Med appen kan elever ladda ner läromedel till sitt iPhone, lån-iPad/privat iPad (eller till liknande Android smartphones eller "pad" modeller)
Här kommer pressmeddelandet:

Nu släpper vi appen för iOS

Efter lång väntan, och mestadels just väntan på Apple, släpper vi nu appen för iOS. Appen gör att alla abonnemangskunder nu kan ladda ner och läsa våra inlästa läromedel på en iPhone eller iPad. 
Sedan någon månad tillbaka har vår app för Android varit tillgänlig för våra abonnemangskunder. Många har längtat efter och väntat på iOS-versionen. Nu finns den att ladda ner i Appstore. (Appen är gratis och heter ”Inläsningstjänst”)

Vad är inlästa läromedel?

Manual - Inläsningstjänsts App      (iOS för iPhone och iPad)

App information:


Du skulle har fått loggin-info från Inläsningstjänsten. Du behöver detta för att kunna logga in och ladda ner läromedel.
VG och säg till mig om du INTE har fått användarnamn+lösenordeller har tappat det. Då kan jag beställa ett nytt användarnamn/lösenord
till dig.

Vänliga hälsningar,


Friday, 18 October 2013

The negatives with "Last Minute Revision" - according to latest research

New research shows that there can be negative effects from last minute revision or "cramming" as it is sometimes called.

If you have revised 75% of the information you need to know for a subject test/exam and then, at the last minute,  try to revise the remaining 25%, this last minute "cramming" may erase quite a lot of what you had earlier learnt. Just like all life on earth, memories appear to compete for resources and space.

So, if you can plan your revision so that you have revised all you need to know before the test/exam you should be better able to retrieve this information (memory data) from the long time memory base in your brain.

Here comes the link to the research:

Thursday, 17 October 2013

New Learning Style app for students from Mentor

The above link goes to a new app called Learningstyle which has been created by the organisation,
Mentor. Costs 15 Swedish Crowns.

Great app for students to find out which styles of learning work best for them.

Can be found at the App Store by typing "Infomentor" in the search window.

Hope it works for you!!

Friday, 20 September 2013

Short lines of text on electronic devices may help some dyslexic readers increase their reading speed and comprehension, research suggests.

E-readers 'more effective' for some dyslexic readers

A person with dyslexia has difficulty "decoding" words  

Short lines of text on electronic devices may help some dyslexic readers increase their reading speed and comprehension, research suggests.

A person with dyslexia has difficulty "decoding" words
US scientists studied 100 pupils reading on paper and e-readers.
On the device, those who struggled most with sight-word reading read faster and those with limited visual attention spans had better comprehension.
The ability to display text in short lines with fewer words helped pupils focus on each word, they told Plos One.


  • Dyslexia is one of the most common learning difficulties
  • In England, 4%-8% of schoolchildren thought to have some degree of dyslexia
  • Dyslexia affects people of all ethnic backgrounds, although a person's native language can play a role
  • A language where there is a clear connection between how a word is written and how it sounds, and consistent grammatical rules, such as Italian and Spanish, can be easier for a person with dyslexia.
  • Source: NHS Choices

Lead researcher Dr Matthew Schneps, from the Science Education Center at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told BBC News: "The key factor that's important in the effect being helpful is that there's a few words per line.

Related Stories

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Info about Legimus and Inläsningstjänst


Here comes some information  about audio books from Legimus and Inläsningstjänst and info about after school Extra Study Help Classes.

Info about Legimus:

Legimus is a site that students with reading difficulties can use to download audio books or text + audio books to their computers, iPads/Android pads or iPhones/Android phones. This site contains most of the books students may be reading in their Swedish classes at Rödaberg plus many more.
To be able to use this service students need to register for an account at Stadsbibliotek near Odenplan (Sveavägen 73  113 50 Stockholm).
Here comes a link to the library’s kontakt page:
After students have created an account they can download an app called “Legimus” from the App Store (to their Apple iPhone, Ipad or iPod ) or from Google’ Play store (for Android phones and Pads). When they have this app they can then download an audio book as a Zip file to their phone, Pad etc and then open this in the Legimus app.

For more information see below links

Info about Inläsningstjänst:

Inläsningstjänst is a company that records audio versions of most Swedish school textbooks and literature used in schools and converts them into the DAISY format. Rödabergsskolan has an account with this company which means that all our students can stream audio versions of the school books they are using in their subjects from an app on their computers or Android Pads or Android phones. OBS! An app is very soon to be released for iPhones and iPads!!!
For the students to be able to access their accounts I need their current active e-mail addresses. I would be grateful if you could check your child’s e-mail address and mail this back to me. I will then create an account for them and they will then receive a User name and Log In Code which they use when they want to listen to books on their phones or pads.

Here comes some links to Inläsningstjä :

Friday, 31 May 2013

Matteboken from Mattecentrum

Really recommend this Maths resources site even though it is in Swedish.
Maths courses for all ages and a national test archive with answers to all the questions.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Årstaskolan - Kunskapshubben

Here comes a link to Årstaskolan's fantastic educational video bank. In Swedish, I'm afraid, but well worth having a look at! :)

iPads in use in UK schools

Here comes a little video clip showing some sudents using iPads in a UK school.
Shame that Sweden does not invest in Schools and Education like other countries do!

Monday, 6 May 2013

The Legimus app for iPhone/iPad and Android has arrived!!!

Great news!!

The Legimus app has finally arrived

Talking book readers across Sweden can now,  from the 2nd  May, listen, free of charge, to their talking books in a new app from the Authority for available media, MTM. Legimus app is available for both iPhone /iPad and Android and can be installed for free via the App Store and Google Play.

Here comes some more info about the app (in Swedish I'm afraid).

Info at Apple's AppStore about the app: 

Friday, 26 April 2013

A site that recommends cheap, alternative and well known apps for the iPad

Another Education App Site

Great Education App Site

Here comes a list of some of the apps I recommend for the iPad


Dragon Dictate - speech to text app

Claro speak (UK) - text to speech synthesizer in English

Claro speak (SE) - text to speech synthesiser in Swedish

Speak it - text to speech synthesiser

Web Reader - a web browser that reads the text on the screen

Pages - Mac version of Word

Keynote - presentation app for the iPad



Soulver - a calculator plus much more

Khan Academy - all of the educational films from Khan Academy to help you with Maths and much more


BBC Bitesize - revision app for Science

The Elements - everything you need to know about elements in the Periodic Table, but were afraid to ask

Solar System - a fun interactive app about everything in our Solar System


Atlas (Collins) - interactive atlas app


Garage Band - a complete music studio in one app!

Spotify - if you have an account


Mental Note - a note-book, photo book, sketch book etc all in one


Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Top 50 learning apps for students from an Australian website

Link to Datateket's page of recommended apps for students

Here comes Skoldatateket's tips for appar which are really useful for students with varying learning difficulties. Many of the apps are very good for ALL students. Info in Swedish I'm afraid but you could always try to convert in Google translate. 

Dragon Dictation app for iPhone and iPad

This is not a new product but it is certainly one I really recommend if you would like to input text via your voice rather than through typing on a qwerty-keyboard. Really useful for students with dyslexia as I noticed yesterday as two Rödaberg students "wrote" their English assignments through the microphone on their iPads. The app is totally FREE and very easy to use. The text that appears can be sent by e-mail to your inbox or saved on the iPad/iPhone.
You can find it at the AppStore or in iTunes.

"Back on the Block!"

Hi again!

Sorry I've been away for some time due to a variety of circumstances.
Thought I should get back to promoting the Educational apps (for iPads, Android pads) and web pages that we recommend for supporting learning whilst studying at Rödabergsskolan.

Will soon be posting some new products and web resources that have recently appeared.

Speak to you soon!

